Azura, Disney Fantasy UK Debut, Westerdam (III) & Norwegian Encore
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, all cruise lines suspended operations from various dates in March 2020.  Disney Fantasy made her unexpected UK debut on 18th November 2020.  She had crossed the Atlantic to repatriate crew and for refit in Brest and left for Southampton on the 16th.  She was only in for the day, again to repatriate crew.  I had last seen her in St. Maarten back in November 2013 so it was lovely having her on my doorstep.  Azura was now in Ocean Terminal, having been moved there the day before.  Due to buses and the time she arrived, I got to the front of the marina as she was approaching Ocean Dock where I was delighted to see her turn and go astern.
I went back for the departure of the Disney to Port Canaveral.  The weather was atrocious, wind and rain.  She did play the tunes on her whistle twice but it was so windy, making it difficult to hear.  I wish she'd done it again nearer me.  Later, Encore returned from a tootle for 7.30pm while Westerdam sailed at 9pm to Rotterdam for refit.  Westerdam left Rotterdam on the 30th, arriving at Nab Anchorage on the 1st December, docking in Ocean on the 3rd, returning to Nab Anchorage 5 then sailing for St. Eustatius on the 4th.
For photos of the rest of the Coronavirus Southampton lay-up ships, go to 2020 in the Southampton Stalking Index.

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© Patricia Dempsey 18th November 2020
Not to be reproduced without permission