Crown Princess (II), Celebrity Edge UK Debut, Aurora & AIDAperla
The brand new Celebrity Edge made her UK debut on the 13th May 2019. The first of the Edge class is 130,818grt and entered service on in December 2018.  I was unable to get down so snapped her, Crown and Aurora from the window, Svitzer Alma giving the water spray.  AIDAperla was arriving three hours later so I went back to bed.  Later we went for the sailings.  Aurora was 4.30pm, Crown 5pm, Edge half an hour later and the AIDA 9.30pm.  It was freezing and windy, despite the sunshine.  The new Red Funnel vehicle ferry, Red Kestrel, was in service.  Mazza Peers and her hubby Russ stopped by but didn't stay long due to the cold.  Neither Aurora or Crown moved, despite the latter having the tug Svitzer Bargate attached since before 5pm.  Edge was the star of the show with Ferriby and Harty as her water spray tug escorts.  AIDAperla blew her horn as Edge neared, with the newbie responding.  We went home since the other two showed no signs of shifting.  Typically Aurora did when we were on the bus but we were so cold, we were past caring.  Crown finally left at 7.30pm.
For photos of Edge in the Solent on the 14th May, click here or departing from Southampton on the 15th, click here.

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© Patricia Dempsey 13th May 2019
Not to be reproduced without permission