Crown Princess (II), Independence of the Seas, Sapphire Princess & Britannia (II)
While the other three ships arrived on time on the 25th May 2019, Britannia was 8 hours late.  According to a post on Cruise Critic, there was "a suspected fire on deck 4 zone" and⁄or the following day, "steam escaping in the engine room affecting component parts."  Her new departure time was 10pm.  Meanwhile, Sapphire was put back an hour to sail until 5pm, Crown at 5.45pm with Indy the usual time of 4.30pm.  I decided not to wait after Shieldhall sailed and good job since Crown ended up going after 6pm.  Britannia left at 11pm.

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© Patricia Dempsey 25th May 2019
Not to be reproduced without permission