Saga Ruby & Queen Mary 2
On the 9th October 2012 we had literally little and large in Southampton - little Saga Ruby and large QM2.  Originally due to sail at 4pm and 4.30pm respectively, Mary's time was 7pm by at leat 1pm, quickly reverting to 4.30pm before becoming 7pm again.  The weather was foul and I only intended to go down because it would be the last time these two would sail from Southampton together but I wasn't going to drown and irritate my back for just one (sorry Rubes!).  Instead I got her passing the window after she sailed about twenty minutes late.
Mary wanted to go at 6.30pm but was told 7pm due to traffic.  She didn't move then either.  Her delay (as well as the rubbish barge, Onyx Mariner, not finishing until 6pm), was apparently caused by Dutch immigration not arriving yet.  They had been there early enough for us back in June doing the same itinerary and checked our passports between security and the gangway.  Well they turned up - hooray! - and Mary finally shifted her fat bum nearly three hours late.  She gave three blasts as she neared Dock Head then three more by Fawley.

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© Patricia Dempsey 9th October 2012
Not to be reproduced without permission