Another visit to my terminally ill mum in Room 7, Ward D3 of Southampton General Hospital and another ship in Mayflower Terminal on the 27th September 2010.  Artemis this time, just about visible.  She left just after 4.30pm and I did my best to poke the lens through the awful window to get some shots.  Unlike Saturday with Grand Princess, not only was Artemis alone, but my mum had deteriorated thanks to NHS neglect and oncologists more intent on shipping her out to die than finding out what was the cause of her problem which put her in there in the first place nine days earlier and haven't consulted her neurologist, so was unable to enjoy this.
And with that she vanished behind the block of flats.  What a lovely view they have - better than hospital patients and their visitors, that's for sure!

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© Patricia Dempsey 27th September 2010
Not to be reproduced without permission