Black Prince (II) Final Arrival
The second farewell cruise in twelve months ended in Southampton on the 16th October 2009 when Black Prince returned from a cruise to the Canaries.  She was due with no fanfare for 6.30am.  What is it with these cruise lines and their allergy to daylight arrivals???  Her berth would be the QEII Terminal which would also be her home for the following week as she was stripped of various fixtures and fittings before heading to her new life in Venezuela.  I hadn't been well since the day before but made it down there, struggling in pain to take any sort of decent shot.  These are the best of the bunch.
Once she had rather quickly docked alongside, we packed up and headed home.  Thankfully the few spots of drizzle when we arrived had stayed off long enough to get her.  She is scheduled to leave on the 23rd.  For photos of her heading off on her farewell cruise two weeks earlier, click here while those at the start of her conversion can be found, click here.

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© Patricia Dempsey 16th October 2009
Not to be reproduced without permission