Amadea & P Prince [Formerly Pacific Princess (II)] in Amsterdam
Two unexpected ships as we sailed towards Amsterdam on Queen Elizabeth on the 15th October 2021.  Amadea was in the Damen dry dock while the ex-Pacific Princess was alongside, renamed P Prince as she awaited her transformation to become Azamara Onward.  Pacific Princess, along with Azamara Club Cruises, had both been sold during the seemingly never-ending Covid pandemic.  Royal Caribbean Group announced it was selling Azamara to Sycamore Partners in January 2021 and the new owners wasted no time buying the final R ship from Carnival shortly afterwards.  She is due to begin her new career in May 2022 from Monte Carlo.
The following day we were due to sail at 6pm, meaning I could get them both in daylight.  The best laid plans...  Due to bunkering, we were an hour late, making it dark by the time we reached them about twenty-five minutes later.  Amadea could still be seen well but P Prince had less lights than the morning before, which was a shame.
Click here for the review of my Queen Elizabeth cruise.

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© Patricia Dempsey 15th & 16th October 2021
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