Marco Polo & Saga Sapphire near the Bay of Biscay
We were heading to Cobh on the 3rd January 2020 when Saga Sapphire appeared south west of the Bay of Biscay as she returned to Southampton after the Christmas cruise as a Saga ship.  Despite the sunshine, it was very windy so we both bounced around a bit, hence the photos being all over the place as I tried staying upright to take them.  It took more than three hours from my first sighting for her to pass.  I haven't straightened them because both ships were moving a lot so sometimes the lopsided horizon was from us rocking and rolling.
The review of my Marco Polo cruise is here while photos of Sapphy in Madeira on New Year's Eve is here.
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© Patricia Dempsey 3rd January 2020
Not to be reproduced
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