Norwegian Epic in Rotterdam
On the 21st June 2010, Norwegian Epic returned to the Port of Rotterdam after the first inaugural.  NCL love inaugurals, though I think Gem holds the record for two months of them before naming then more.  But the jolly was called inaugural, as was mine, the two night jolly from Southampton, transatlantic then one in New York.  My friend Ben joined me for her arrival.  Dutch media stated 8.20am but the port had been 8am.  It had rained a little and was a bit miserable even though the forecast said sunny.  Epic rounded the Hook of Holland at 5am and emerged into our view just after 7.05am with a fireboat welcome even though it was her second visit.
Epic was docked by about 7.45am yet media reports stated she was late.  We watched her as I had breakfast in the Lido and Ben had a coffee.  After I checked out, we took the Spido water taxi from the Rotterdam so we could get pictures of Epic.  A shame in one was she was facing in but then we'd have great views later.  I was very grateful for Ben still being there to help me with my luggage.  I'd forgotten there were steps up to the bridge.  As we crossed, taking photos, we bumped into Aad, who I knew from a forum I no longer went to but he rememebred me.  He and his fiancée Nicoline were also going on the cruise.
Ben went with us to the terminal then left us to go to work.  Due to a propeller problem, Epic left Rotterdam thirty minutes late at 4.30pm and arrived in Southampton by 3pm instead of 10am.  To see photos of that arrival, click here or sailing from Rotterdam two days earlier, click here.  To read the review of my cruise, click here.
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© Patricia Dempsey 21st June 2010
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