Radiance of the Seas in Sydney
At the end of a fabulous eighteen night cruise aboard Radiance of the Seas, we arrived in Sydney on the 9th April 2013.  It was my first visit to the city, having only visited places around Western Australia during my previous holidays in 2001 and 2006.  I had booked a hotel for a few nights to be a tourist and the first job (after catching up on sleep!) was to get pics of the ship, which I did with Stella Eaton, who I met up with from Facebook.  The weather was changeable but mainly cold and wet!
Radiance was due to sail at 6.30pm and thankfully by now the rain had buggered off.  Stella suggested we go by the Opera House for the best views, and along the way we met an American called Nicole, who we spent a few hours with afterwards.  Radiance sailed on time and looked gorgeous.
To see photos of Radiance arriving in Fremantle, click here, while my cruise review can be found here.

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© Patricia Dempsey 9th April 2013
Not to be reproduced without permission